L.I.V.E. Your Passion™ with Longevity, Intensity, Vitality, and Excellence!

What is L.I.V.E. Your Passion?

So many of us just plow through life trying to survive day to day. We troll socials trying to find the answer in someone or something else. This mindless and harmful process just leaves us spiraling further into frustration and desperation for change.

Imagine a life where you are fulfilled. You become joyful and you begin to overflow with abundance. When you overflow with abundance you impact your immediate family, your friends, your extended family, your neighbors, and your community. Your social feed becomes the inspiration for others. You spend time posting and uplifting rather than an envious scroll.

This abundant overflow is that magnetic glow that you’ve seen and envied in others and thought, “how do they do it”, or “They are amazing”. If we are being honest, you’ve probably even thought, “I want to be like them”.


It’s not them you want to be like, it’s their energy you want to emulate.

I’m here to tell – from experience and practice- that it IS possible with L.I.V.E. Your Passion™!

Life through filter

Who needs L.I.V.E. Your Passion?

Anyone who feels there is something more for them in life. There are many who will benefit form the L.I.V.E. process. The following are things my clients typically experience before starting L.I.V.E.-

  • You feel a pull-a calling,  deep from within to do or be something more.
  • You feel lost, overwhelmed, and keep saying, “there has to be more to life”.
  • You feel unorganized and lost. Wondering where to start and what to do.
  • You get things done but somehow feel like they aren’t what you should be doing.
  • You feel like you’re drowning in a never-ending to-do list and often for everyone else.
  • You see others who are enjoying their lives and seem to have it all together.


These are signs that you need L.I.V.E. Your Passion™!

Get started on your Passion Journey today! 



Rebel woman
Honey of Life

How does the L.I.V.E. Your Passion system work?

The idea behind L.I.V.E. is that you focus on your life by creating combs.  Combs are the individual sections of a hive.  Your life is like a hive that is made up of many combs. Each comb plays an intricate role in the totality of your life.

A thriving hive produces sweet– sweet honey!

This honey is you living your passions. When you are living your passions and dreams, you become fulfilled. When you are fulfilled– you are thriving. You are no longer just surviving your life.



What will L.I.V.E. do for you?

Simply put- it will change your life.

L.I.V.E. does this by helping you uncover, identify, clarify, and implement actionable steps leading towards your desires. Your life is creating with intention and purpose. You craft – create- design the life you desire.

The key to that inner joy and happiness you crave comes from the ability to identify and to clarify your desires. It requires you to know what they look and feel like as if they have already happened. The only way to achieve this is to create an actionable plan to achieve them.

Sounds simple, right? Then what is the issue you say?

Well, we are busy looking to others and trying to be like them. We are living our lives based on what we’ve been taught to want, rather than what we truly desire. Whether it be influenced by your childhood, your parents, your friends, your education, or your community. Society has taught you to have certain expectations. Your dreams and desires were largely created by others for you.

L.I.V.E. Your Passion™ breaks through this noise. You’ll dig deep to identify and clarify what you truly want and desire for your life. You’ll define those desires and build a road map to make them happen. You’ll implement an actionable plan to live daily.

By knowing EXCATLY what you want and having a CLEAR path to those desires that you IMPLEMENT daily, you will be living your passions!

You’ll have crystal clear visions, feelings, and energy around those desires.

Want to meet Tammy ?

Why L.I.V.E. Your Passion is unique-

There are many processes and systems to help your plan life, set goals, and explore passions BUT very few can connect the dots.

Other systems fail you because they aren’t helping you –

  1. Dig deep to uncover your true desires
  2. Have the ability to isolate and identify them
  3. Clarify the desires by getting the words and ideas around tangible attainable things
  4. Building a step-by-step path customized to you and your ways
  5. Implementing daily actionable steps
  6. Assimilating by visualization
  7. Absorption by attaching the energy


L.I.V.E. is a process that takes you on an experiential journey to change your life and give you the clarity you crave, the actual how to change your life, and a detailed Passion Conquest Map™ and the L.I.V.E. Your Passion Planner™ to make your dreams come true. Not sure what your dreams are- don’t worry, live shows you what you truly desire.


This system fills the gaps in all the other programs you’ve tried to make your life all that you desire. You’ll finish this program with-

  1. – a process to follow to help you achieve your dreams
  2. – a new look on your life
  3. -a clear understanding of what you actually want in every area of your life
  4. -clear objectives in each area of your life
  5. – actionable steps to achieve the goals that get you to your dreams
  6. – a Passion Conquest Map™ to take you step by step to your destination 
L.I.V.E.  is the Triple Power Passion Injection
  1. -clarity of dreams and desires
  2. -confidence so you can have all that you desire
  3. -inner peace because you finally are living your life under your terms towards your dreams

L.I.V.E. Your Passion

Intensive Masterclass to change Your Life
$ 297
  • A Step-by-step process to uncover, identify, and clarify your passions
  • A process to build an actionable DAILY routine to progress to your dreams one by one and step by step
  • one on one session to help guide you and acclimate to a new way seeing and thinking about your life
  • A self-guided course with detailed instructions
  • A workbook, exercises, and samples.
  • Video tutorials


  • A visualization process to help you ACTUALLY see yourself living your dreams
  • A process to help you feel the energy of you living your dreams
  • Check-in session to help answer questions and tackle any struggles/challenges
  • A community of others living their passions


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